
To use variants in a project, decorate the primary function with the @variants.primary decorator, which will add the variant method to your original function.


Decorator to register a function that has variant forms.

Decorate the main form of the function with this decorator, and then subsequent variants should be declared with the same name as the original function [1]:

import variants

def myfunc(fpath):
    with open(fpath, 'r') as f:

@myfunc.variant('from_url') as f:
def myfunc(url):
    r = requests.get(url)

The primary decorator returns an object that attempts to transparently proxy the original methods of the original callable, but variants added to the primary function will shadow the original methods and attributes. Other than this, any valid python identifier is a valid name for a variant.

[1]Declaring subsequent variants with the same name as the original function is a stylistic convention, not a requirement. Decorating any function with the .variant decorator will mutate the primary function object, no matter the name of the variant function. However, whatever function you use for the variant function declaration will become an alias for the primary function.