Documentation example

Using the sphinx_autodoc_variants extension, primary and variant functions can be grouped together as a single function group.


With the sphinx_autodoc_variants extension enabled in, function groups at the module level will automatically be grouped together by the automodule directive. To explicitly document a function group, use the autoprimary_function directive:

.. autoprimary_function:: examples.example_variants.primary_func

Which generates:

examples.example_variants.primary_func(x, y)[source]

This is the primary function. Its docstring should be shown under the primary function documentation.


This is the onearg variant, it only takes one argument.

primary_func.threearg(x, y, z)

This is the threearg variant, it takes three arguments.


For a class containing function group methods, the autoclass directive works, so:

.. autoclass:: examples.example_variants.VariantMethodsClass

Resulting in:

class examples.example_variants.VariantMethodsClass[source]
normal_method(a, b)[source]

This is a normal method, it has no variants

primary_method(x, y)[source]

This is the primary method, its docstring should be shown under the primary method documentation.


This is the onearg variant, it takes one argument.

As with functions, individual method groups can be documented using the autoprimary_method directive:

.. autoprimary_method:: examples.example_variants.VariantMethodsClass.primary_method

Which generates:

VariantMethodsClass.primary_method(x, y)[source]

This is the primary method, its docstring should be shown under the primary method documentation.


This is the onearg variant, it takes one argument.